Friday, May 20, 2016

Looney Tunes vs The Looney Tunes Show
The Looney Tunes was a classic show back in the early 1900's. Even though I wasn't alive back when it first aired I remember watching the reruns of it. It was a fun show to watch and its what I grew up watching. I remember watching Wile E. Coyote and the road runner, the road runner always out smarted Wile E. Coyote. Those where the good ol' days. Everything was just classic and funny.
The Looney Tunes Show was aired in 2011, and it was the basic remake of the Looney Tunes it stared Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck with all the other classic characters such as Lola, Tweety, Taz, Granny,etc. Even though it wasn't as bad of a reboot it still had its downs. I remember watching this show and seeing how they made Lola's character, they made her act crazy and air- headed. I didn't like how they did that because Lola was never a air-head. They also made Daffy more annoying then how he was originally. They also made Bugs Bunny live in a house and not in a rabbit hole which was a bit different from the Original series. I know that they had to make it a bit different to appeal to the kids then. I just still prefer the original series but this wasn't a bad reboot.

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